Talia’s background in studying nutrition (copied from her website from her voice)


I have a B.A. in nutritional science from Cornell University. I also took every psychology course offered. Positive psychology, personality psychology and human bonding were my favorite classes during my time in Ithaca, NY.

As a young child, you might have seen me running around my living room while eating romaine lettuce leaves and dancing to loud music, all at the same time. I think this expresses who I am today pretty well. While I may be hesitant to publicly admit that yes, I do still run around my living room for exercise and need to face the facts that I am voluntarily outing myself, I no longer carry romaine lettuce leaves while doing physical activity. I do dance to loud music in the privacy of my own room (I have Peter Pan syndrome and don’t want to grow up), I sing in the car and smile pretty widely each and every time I see a sunset, rainbow after a rainstorm or a favorite old song that plays on the radio. A lot of other things make me happy, but I wanted to mention just a few simple things that give me a reason to smile and should give you a reason to smile too.

My childhood and who my dad is 

My dad is Joel Fuhrman, M.D. and he’s written an impressive quantity of fascinating books on how to reach our best health, get rid of the most common, diet-related diseases and prevent these diseases as we get older. I’m talking about nasty cancers, like breast and skin cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and more. His most well-known book is Eat To Live, but between you and me and anyone else reading this, my personal favorite of his books is Super Immunity. What’s not to love about a book that explains why elderberry juice can help us get better faster from the common cold, right? There is no arguing with elderberry juice.

I grew up in a family in which kale with cashew cream sauce was a common dish served at dinner and dried papaya and persimmons were what my mom packed for me in school lunches. In elementary school, while my friend’s moms packed them Lunchables and Fruit by the Foot at snack time (remember those?), corn on the cob and apples with cashew butter were often what was packed for me. Now that I think about it, it’s probably a miracle that I grew up to be mostly normal (key word being “mostly”). I wasn’t always a perfect eater and I’m not a perfect eater as an adult either (this is my time to give dark chocolate a shout out- dark chocolate I love you!), but I do care a ton about the connection between what we eat and our well-being and I am a huge advocate of the tremendous power of taking care of our bodies. Hordes of scientific studies show that food really is medicine and that what we eat every day influences how we feel, what our number of the scale reads, the strength of our immune systems, and much more. With the knowledge about which foods to eat and what to do to feel awesome, it’s only natural to make eating nutrient-dense, health promoting foods a priority. Rebellion in my teens and as an adult had no chance once feeling amazing now and into the future became paramount.

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