Weekly 1 hr 15 min live zoom call -one 30 minute call with Terra -Weekly Worksheets And Homework -weekly lesson videos -all lessons/live call will be recorded -go at own pace

Week 1: Balancing Your Week Zoom Call June 27th 4:00 PM PST

-This week will be about finding a balance in your week. You will need to purchase or print out a weekly/monthly calendar for the live zoom call. On the live zoom call we will go through how to balance work, family, friends, working out, self-care, and sleep management.
Homework for week: Weekly Video, Live Zoom Call (optional to join), Daily Journal (everyday), Weekly Journal, activities that are healthy and beneficial to healing, and your nightly read. 

Live Zoom Call: You’ll need a calendar, pen, and your Balancing Your Week Worksheet  

Week 2: Re- Parenting Yourself Zoom Call July 7th 6:00 PM PST

-This week will be about learning about your needs that you did not get as a child and learning how to re-parent yourself now. 
Homework for week: Weekly Video, Live Zoom Call (optional to join), Daily Journal (everyday), Weekly Journal, Balancing Your Week Worksheet Pt 2, and nightly read. 

Live Zoom Call: You’ll need a pen and the Re- Parenting Worksheet 

Week 3: BoundariesZoom Call July 12th 5:00 PM PST

-This week will be about learning how to put boundaries in place with the people around you. On the live zoom call we will practice scenarios and how to establish your boundaries.
Homework for week: Weekly Video, Live Zoom Call (optional to join), Daily Journal (everyday), Weekly Journal, Balancing Your Week Worksheet Pt 2, and nightly read. 

Live Zoom Call: You’ll need a pen and the Boundaries Worksheet.  

Week 4: Re-Framing Your Thought ProcessZoom Call July 20th 5:00 PM PST

-This week is about rewiring your negative thoughts into positive thoughts. This is called silver lining technique, cognitive reframing, and cognitive structuring. This process helps change the chemicals of the brain over time.
Homework for week: Weekly Video, Live Zoom Call (optional to join), Daily Journal (everyday), Weekly Journal, Balancing Your Week Worksheet Pt 2, and nightly read. 

Live Zoom Call: You’ll need a pen, What Your Thankful For Worksheet, and Silver Lining Technique Worksheet.

Week 5: Avoiding Red Flags Zoom Call July 25th 3:30 PM PST

-This week will be about learning about red flags, how to hold yourself accountable, and how to avoid them. 
Homework for week: Weekly Video, Live Zoom Call (optional to join), Daily Journal (everyday), Weekly Journal, Boy Con Worksheet, Balancing Your Week Worksheet Pt 2, and nightly read. 

Live Zoom Call: You’’l need a pen, and the Red Flag Worksheet. 

Week 6: Visualizing Your Future Zoom Call August 5th 5:00 PM PST 

-This week will be about figuring what you want in your future and ways in which you can achieve your goals. 
Homework for week: Weekly Video, Live Zoom Call (optional to join), Daily Journal (everyday), Weekly Journal, Vision Board (After live zoom call),Balancing Your Week Worksheet Pt 2, and nightly read. 

Live Zoom Call: You’ll need a pen, 3 Letters Worksheet, and Set Your Goals Worksheet. 

In order to sign up I just need help from you to email terranewellcoaching@gmail.com

-First and last name -address for workbook-email

 -Venmo $175 (terra will email back a code)

*will get the workbook a week before retreat *once you sign up, you will receive live zoom call links *homework and videos will be send each Sunday (look out for an email)
Look forward to helping you on your healing journey! I’m so excited to connect with you!

Let me know if you have any questions!

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